Castle Valley Ministries
Castle Valley Community Church
Telephone: 660-6582
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 942
Castle Rock, CO 80104-0942
Castle Valley Community Church
We are committed to be an exciting, Christ-centered
church that introduces Christ to people in a culturally relevant manner,
to lead them to a relationship with Him; to help develop them to Christ-like
maturity through the teaching of His Word; to assist them in developing
a God-empowered, meaningful ministry in the church, to guide them to be
a part of Christ's global commission; to provide a celebrative, contemporary
experience as a focus for what we do.
Where and when we Meet
Castle Rock Elementry School
1103 Canyon Drive
Castle Rock, Colorado
Sunday Morning Bible Study - 9:00am
Sunday Morning Worship - 10:15am
If you have any questions about Castle Valley Community
Church, e-mail one of our staff members
Senior Pastor
Allan Karr
Youth Pastor Jim
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